Saturday, February 28, 2009

Montreal Screwjob

The Montreal Screwjob was the real life double-crossing of defending WWF Champion Bret Hart by Vince McMahon, the owner of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), during the main event match of the professional wrestling pay-per-view event Survivor Series held on November 9, 1997 at the Molson Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
这是一件发生在计划外的事故,是人为的因素,将整个结局给改了过来。它发生在1997年十一月九日,地点是在加拿大的蒙特婁,一场冠军争霸赛里头,主角是当时的冠军Bret Hart以及WWF的老板,Vince MacMahon。另一位重点人物是Shawn Micheals。

A secret change of the match's pre-determined finish (known as a "shoot screwjob" in professional wrestling parlance) was devised by McMahon and discussed with Hart's match opponent, Shawn Michaels. The plan was executed when the match referee, Earl Hebner, under orders from McMahon, called for the bell to ring and ended the match as Michaels held Hart in the Sharpshooter submission hold (Hart's signature finishing move), even though Hart had not submitted. Michaels was declared the victor by submission and crowned as the new WWF Champion.
Vince MacMahon和Bret Hart的对手Shawn Micheals秘密达成协议,来个出其不意的改动。当赛事进行到尾端,Shawn Micheals使出了Bret Hart的绝招Sharpshooter,虽然Bret Hart并没有投降的意愿,但是裁判Earl Hebner在老板的指示下,还是将胜利判给了Shawn Micheals,让他成为了新任的WWF冠军。

The reason for this screwjob was rooted in Hart's decision to leave McMahon's company for its chief competitor, World Championship Wrestling (WCW), after McMahon told Hart that financial problems would not allow him to keep Hart on under his recently signed 20 year contract. Hart, who cited a clause in his contract that granted him "reasonable creative control", was steadfast in his refusal to lose a match hosted in his home country, Canada, especially against Shawn Michaels, with whom he did not get along. McMahon remained insistent that Hart should lose to Michaels in Montreal, fearing that his company's business would suffer if WCW announced Hart as its latest signing while he still held the WWF World title. Although Hart and McMahon agreed to a compromise on the match ending that allowed Hart to retain the title, McMahon was determined to remove the title from Hart.
事件的来龙去脉是因为Hart决定要离开公司,而且还是跑到WWF的死对头WCW的怀抱里。为什么Hart要离开呢?理由是老板告诉他说由于经济出了问题,公司已经无法履行他们20年的新合约。Hart也不肯退一步,在他的合约里有一款“合理的创意控制”,所以他不愿在乡亲父老面前输给Shawn Micheals,一个私底下他也不爽的人。但Vince MacMahon害怕Bret Hart以WWF冠军的身份加盟WCW,口头上答应Bret Hart赢了比赛,但却悄悄地弄了手脚。

The screwjob has garnered a notorious legacy both on-screen and off, and was partly chronicled in the documentary film Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows. The far-reaching impact of the incident led to its adoption as a theme in matches and storylines of the WWF's Attitude Era and the creation of the character, "Mr. McMahon", the evil boss. Hart was ostracized from the WWF, while McMahon and Michaels continued to receive angry responses from audiences for many years. The relationship between Hart and McMahon later healed, however, culminating in Hart's induction on April 1, 2006 into the company's Hall of Fame.
这件事所带来的影响之大超出我们的想像之外,无论是幕前幕后都大肆讨论及吐口水。这也无形中造就了WWF其中一个有力的故事主角,混蛋老板“Mr MacMahon”。我想虽然事隔多年,很多蒙特婁甚至加拿大人还是耿耿于怀,对Vince MacMahon和Shawn Micheals的辱骂仍未停止。可能男主角Bret Hart大人有大量,在2006年登上了WWE的名人堂,想必他也想把这件事故从心里面给扫去了吧!

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