Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Funny Finishing Moves

Here comes the Rock Bottom!! And 1, 2, 3. Ting Ting Ting.... The Rock just pinned Stone Cold Steve Austin!!

Pedigree! Swanton Bomb! 619! Stone Cold Stunner! Batistabomb! Chokeslam! Tombstone! All these are the famous finishing moves by the superstars. Choosing a good finishing move is as important as the gimmick. A wrestler can look funny if the finishing move is...... funny and ridiculous.

Here are some that I think is more toward entertaining rather than hurting the opponent:

1) John Cena's FU. Frankly speaking I don't really like John Cena due to his boring in-ring performance. His same boring moves days after days. But he is good on mic! And he can rap too!

Put your opponent on the shoulder height, and slam him to the floor! Ouch! Pretty painful huh?!? Overbody drop should have more pain than this one, I believe!!

2) The Rock's People Elbow

An elbow drop with very fancy entertaining moves prior to it. Take out the elbow pad, throw it to the audience. Cross both hands, then run to your left and bounced and run to the right, do something funny, drop an elbow to your opponent's chest. Emmm.... Glad that The Rock has Rock Bottom!

3) Scotty Too Hotty's worm!

OMG! We used to crazy about this W.O.R.M move!! I remembered when I was still the first year in University, me and my friends learned hard to do this move! We did it on the concrete floor! Yeah!

If you have some other funnier moves want to share, leave me a message!

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